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That’s nearly a 100bp rate cut over the next year.President Trump of course wants a 100bp now AND some QE sprinkled on top of that: .....The Fed Rate, over a fairly short period of time, should be reduced by at least 100 basis points, with perhaps some quantitative easing as well. If that happened, our Economy would be even better, and the World Economy would be greatly and quickly enhanced-good for everyone!

金鹰基金产品研发部表示, RE - ITs 对公募基金的运营、管理和维护职能都提出了新的挑战。公募 REITs 主要投资单一底层资产,本质上是一级市场投行项目,与现有主投二级市场的公募业务存在本质区别。发展公募 REITs 业务,不是新设立一条产品线,而是建设一种新的资管生态。


So I must ask: With such limited ammunition to work with and so much ammunition required to actually stop a cycle turn, why would the Fed waste more rate cuts with markets still near all time highs and unemployment still at 50 year lows?Why risk a 50bp rate cut and be left with only six 25 bp rate cuts in the coffer? Recession risk after all is rising and evenPimco is acknowledging this. Unless the ultimate future is negative rates into the negative 200bp-250bp territory zone, which would imply a full out disastrous crisis, then perhaps markets are expecting way too much from Momma Fed at this stage.

